Areas of Intervention

MEDEA intends to expand its work and reach to Kenya and South Africa during this strategic phase(23-25). We have considered making this decision to allow us to learn from and engage more with media and art organizations in those specified countries. We have been collaborating with creative individuals from the region, and for the coming three (3) years we will be working to officialize our work in those regions and continue to contribute to the development of Africa and, largely, the citizens of those specific countries.
The young generation in the two countries described above has been vocal in addressing the problems that their community is facing. With this growth and the introduction of the new agenda, Civic Space, MEDEA is eager to learn from the South African and Kenyan contexts and convey to Tanzania what has been effective in producing positive results there.
In Tanzania, we will remain focused on working in the seven regions, namely Mtwara, Lindi, Kigoma, Dodoma, Tabora, Shinyanga, and Njombe.